

Links & Love & Stuff

:) Starting a new project! (I was going to hold off a few more weeks to start so I could do either a pink or a blue explosion, but I fell so in love with this rainbow wool - mine is #7824 - that I couldn't wait.) Want to knit along with me? This is a fun, easy pattern.

:) Looking for an awesome, classic everyday watch for an also-awesome price? Here you go.

:) Kendrick told me a couple of days ago that when I am pregnant, I am like the nice and evil Gollums having a conversation with themselves. That sounds about right.


Giveaway: Must-Have Styling Tool

Click over to my Facebook page to enter to win one of my all-time favorite styling tools, Theorie's SAGA Collection Flat Iron ($175 value).

P.S. Don't worry about the "follow the link to enter to win" thing; it may look kinda spammy, but that's the new "legal" way to hold giveaways on Facebook, as opposed to just asking you guys to comment under a post. It also makes it much easier for me to make sure that I'll be able to get in touch with the winner.

{ Follow along on TwitterInstagram or Facebook }


Club Med And A Crochet Swimsuit

We booked a vacation. It was directly inspired by my 2013 recap, in which I posted the above photo and realized just how very much I wanted to be in that exact spot right this very moment.

We weren't planning on going on a trip this year (other than possibly heading to Maine for a few days this summer), because Kendrick's in school (and he's going to India - !! - as part of his program during the spring semester)...but the weather broke me.

I am broken.


Links & Love & Stuff

Can't stop eating this lasagna. (Recipe coming up on RG next week.)

I spent the holidays binge-watching the entirety of Orange Is The New Black. It is so good. I may try to get into Homeland next if I can get past the fact that it looks incredibly boring (I know, I know: it isn't. It just looks boring).

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