

Giveaway: Must-Have Styling Tool

Click over to my Facebook page to enter to win one of my all-time favorite styling tools, Theorie's SAGA Collection Flat Iron ($175 value).

P.S. Don't worry about the "follow the link to enter to win" thing; it may look kinda spammy, but that's the new "legal" way to hold giveaways on Facebook, as opposed to just asking you guys to comment under a post. It also makes it much easier for me to make sure that I'll be able to get in touch with the winner.

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Club Med And A Crochet Swimsuit

We booked a vacation. It was directly inspired by my 2013 recap, in which I posted the above photo and realized just how very much I wanted to be in that exact spot right this very moment.

We weren't planning on going on a trip this year (other than possibly heading to Maine for a few days this summer), because Kendrick's in school (and he's going to India - !! - as part of his program during the spring semester)...but the weather broke me.

I am broken.


Links & Love & Stuff

Can't stop eating this lasagna. (Recipe coming up on RG next week.)

I spent the holidays binge-watching the entirety of Orange Is The New Black. It is so good. I may try to get into Homeland next if I can get past the fact that it looks incredibly boring (I know, I know: it isn't. It just looks boring).


Dream A Little Dream (And Then Figure Out What It Means)

Dream interpretation is something I've been interested in since I was fifteen, when I went through a period when I suffered from fairly intense panic attacks and briefly ended up seeing a therapist who was very big on having me write down my dreams so that we could discuss them at the next session. But over time, I've realized that I'm less interested in literal interpretations of dream-symbols (losing your teeth means that you're worried about your appearance; snakes mean that there's a hidden threat in your life; spiders suggest that someone in your life is manipulating you) than in using these "classic" meanings as a jumping-off point, and then relying primarily on my feelings about the symbols that appear in my dreams to unravel what they're actually trying to tell me.

Step 1: Write It Down

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