

Oh, Brilliant!

I have had my teeth professionally whitened three times in my life. The first time was ten years ago: I splurged on a treatment at a really, really expensive chain, and the results were…pretty good, from what I can remember, although I also remember wishing they had lasted longer given how much I spent. The second time, I got custom trays from my dentist. It cost a fortune, I thought I was going to choke on the cement-y compound that he filled my mouth with to make a mold (seriously, it was claustrophobic and terrifying and horrible), and I hated wearing the trays once they were completed (I don’t think I even finished the treatment). The third time I went to a kind of budget whitening place, and the results weren’t especially dramatic; even though I hadn’t spent that much, I kind of felt like I’d wasted my money.

For tooth-whitening, I really, really prefer at-home solutions. They’re way more affordable, they’re easier (and probably don’t involve contraptions that make you panic), and they produce results that – in my experience – are just as good as what you get at a professional salon.

For the past few weeks I’ve been using the Crest 3D White Brilliance Collection, which is comprised of a toothpaste featuring an illuminating complex and a whitening boost (you can see the video I shot for Walmart featuring the product above), and so far: excellent. I especially like the boost: you brush it on similarly to toothpaste, and the little micro-granules in it polish away surface stains caused by things like coffee, tea, wine and smoking. I love how fast and easy it is to use (no wandering around with things stuck to your teeth), and I love how immediate the results are. Seriously, the first time I used it my teeth felt so clean and sparkly they felt like they were squeaking.


Books And Books And Beaches And Books

Pictured: Liza Schwartz bracelet.

Why all the happiness and smiley faces?

Because we take off for a week in Florida tomorrow. I have an exceptionally busy couple of months on the horizon, so I'm going to try to do my best to actually relax and lay flat on my back doing nothing but staring at a Kindle for a minimum of many hours every single day that I'm there. The plan is to return home rested and tan and healthy (I'm even - !!!! - bringing running sneakers) and ready to get moving.


Links & Love & Stuff

Alright, I think this is so cool: over on, Katie shares the process of creating the Ramshackle Glam book cover. I had no idea what went into the illustrations (and, honestly, probably wouldn't have caught the "maybe not the best idea to show a pair of shoes sitting in a handbag right next to a baby bottle" thing myself), so this was a really fun read for me. P.S. You can check out a preview of the book and pre-order it here, and see the trailer here.

This article by the Duke University student who also works as a porn star and who firmly believes that the problem is not the sex industry, but rather the prevailing attitude towards the women who work in it is phenomenal and thought-provoking and a must-read.

Unique and wonderful tattoo inspiration (I'm loving that rainbow heart as inspiration for my next - post-pregnancy, obviously - tattoo) from Gala.


Links & Love & Stuff

:) Last night we kicked off what's looking like two days of being snowbound by watching cartoons in bed. "In bed" because I finally broke and installed a TV in our bedroom, and it is the BEST and I LOVE IT and am TOTALLY FINE with the fact that I am now officially a card-carrying Lazy Person who is too much of a sloth to climb a flight of stairs between watching The Bachelor and going to sleep.

:) This new app lets you store your house key in a cloud and immediately cut one at a kiosk if you lock yourself out rather than waiting around for a locksmith (and paying a fortune). It also sounds like it would have solved about 99% of my problems when I was living in the city.

:) If you don't own a fedora yet, this one is classic and perfect (and nicely priced).

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