

Farmer’s Market Invite (And Questions For You)

On the agenda this morning: figuring out how to plant these Concord grape & blackberry seeds and actually generate something resembling fruit. Any suggestions? Fruit-planting (other than tomatoes, which I'm aware are technically fruits even though that fact continues to make no sense to me) is a new one for me.

Speaking of fresh fruit: tomorrow we're headed up to Boston with Welch's to celebrate the release of their new Farmer's Pick 100% Juice line . If you're in the area, I'd love to see you there (invite below)!


Is Instagram Ruining Blogs? …Or Making Them Better?

I think a flask used to go in this pocket.

Reading this IFB piece on How Instagram Ruined My Blog - in which the author describes how she essentially migrated all her "good" content over to Instagram, to the detriment of her blog - got me thinking. Because there's so much talk out there about how the bazillions of social media outlets available nowadays result in the fragmentation of content that could easily be streamlined onto a single platform…but there's also the reality that each platform really does have its own community, with its own personality, drawbacks, and benefits. And missing out on one can feel like missing out on an opportunity to connect.

The platforms I use: Wordpress (the main RG site), Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+. That is a lot of platforms. Some have unique content and some are essentially feeds for the main site, but I maintain them all on a pretty much daily basis.


Links & Love & Stuff

Indy and I spent Sunday morning frosting Funfetti cupcakes, mostly because my obsession with them knows no bounds (as you can see, he's more about the icing). We might need to try this Oreo Funfetti Cake With Oreo Cheesecake Filling next - or at least definitely for the next birthday that rolls around, because in addition to looking like it tastes incredible, it's so pretty.

This Page Six article on the madness that was the Kim/Kanye wedding, written by a spy planted at the event, is a national treasure and must not be missed. My favorite part: "Kanye danced five songs alone with Kim to John Legend (playing the marble piano), with no one else on the dance floor, and light only on them. It felt like it went on forever. Kanye then gave a 45-minute toast to himself."

If I were in the market for anything other than a maternity bathing suit (which I don't really want to buy, but it's sadly looking like I must), I would buy this one.


Lust Or Less: Gold “X” Ring

I had a few readers ask me if I could find a less expensive alternative to my X ring. Da daaa!

Whether this is a "lust" or "less" situation totally depends on what you're looking for in terms of longevity. I wanted to invest in a piece that I thought was unique and striking, but still simple and classic enough to wear everyday, so I went big and picked up that EF Collection Ring (albeit at a lower price, since I found it at a privately owned shop that was willing to negotiate)...but obviously I don't do that all that often (or…ever). Inexpensive gold stacking rings are usually much more my style, but the problem with cheap rings is that they tend to turn silver. Or green. So if you're looking for something that'll last forever, the Express ring probably isn't it…but if all you want is some sparkle for the summer? Totally.

(Or go for the middle ground and pick up that Max & Chloe, which also comes in silver and rose gold - it's high-quality enough that it'll stick around for the long-run, but way less of a commitment.)

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