

Links & Love & Stuff

 I love my Instax camera (we don't actually use it much because the film is so expensive, a little over a dollar per shot - but we took photos with it every once in awhile to commemorate the last pregnancy, and are doing it again).

 Now this is a hot swimsuit.

 Into right now: The Chic Wife's brand-new site - Kris is such a fun, positive presence on the Internet, and I love her thoughts on everything from The Mean Internet to Having A Lot, But Not "Having It All" (co-sign, co-sign) to banana-pudding cupcakes (I, too, have lots of thoughts about banana-pudding cupcakes). Also, she has the cutest dogs I have ever seen in my life, and I mean that. They are gremlins.


Summer Must-Have Product: Essential Oil Bug Spray

OK, so this stuff (sent to me ℅ as part of an earlier post)? Is PHENOMENAL. So phenomenal that it deserves its very own mini-feature.

I set out a few cans of The Honest Co.’s Bug Spray for my friends to use during my backyard Sprinkle (more on this bizarre and kind of great Baby Shower Lite idea here), and there was collective agreement on its general phenomenalness. The adults loved it, and the kids were more or less indifferent to it (which is basically a miracle, because small children and spray-on products are tantrums waiting to happen).

Why am I bestowing such grand praise upon bug spray, of all things? Because it’s made from bug-repelling essential oils rather than chemicals (I’ve always hated how chemical-y most drugstore bug sprays seem, and always feel iffy about spraying them on my son), so it’s a hypoallergenic, paraben- and DEET-free way to handle the fact that we live next to an extremely buggy lake (sigh). Also, the scent is lovely and citrus-y, and smells more like a perfume called “Camping” than like actual bug spray, so I found myself reapplying it “just because” (as opposed to what I usually do with bug spray, which is apply it on while performing a misery-dance that involves keeping my face out of the mist at all costs).


Pretty Much

Well, this is my favorite thing ever. (Oh my jesus, the acid reflux. The worst part is that every time it happens I feel immediately compelled to announce to whoever is next to me - Kendrick, the lady working at the Target checkout counter, whoever - that I totally just threw up in my mouth. And then swallowed it.)


Farmer’s Market Invite (And Questions For You)

On the agenda this morning: figuring out how to plant these Concord grape & blackberry seeds and actually generate something resembling fruit. Any suggestions? Fruit-planting (other than tomatoes, which I'm aware are technically fruits even though that fact continues to make no sense to me) is a new one for me.

Speaking of fresh fruit: tomorrow we're headed up to Boston with Welch's to celebrate the release of their new Farmer's Pick 100% Juice line . If you're in the area, I'd love to see you there (invite below)!

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