Do not be deceived by appearances; this child is searching for candy in his mom's hair.
I'm sorry, did I say "manipulate" children into taking an adorable holiday photo? I meant "convince."
Do not be deceived by appearances; this child is searching for candy in his mom's hair.
I'm sorry, did I say "manipulate" children into taking an adorable holiday photo? I meant "convince."
On this day in 2016, before we knew.
Four years ago to the day, I tucked my daughter into bed, and she asked me to snuggle with her. I laid down next to her and petted her head, listening to the faint sounds of cheering when Hillary won Virginia, and whispered to her, “Are you a boy or a girl?”
“A girl,” she answered.
The woman who lives across the street from me passed away yesterday. She was sweet and lovely, and every day when I walked the dog past her place I’d see her listening to the radio at her dining room table, and wave at her. She was very, very old, though, so when a bunch of police cars and an ambulance pulled up at her house with their lights on, but no sirens, I was sad, but not surprised.
I thought about her all day, and when I fell asleep last night I ended up dreaming about her. In my dream, I opened a door in my bedroom that I’d never noticed before, and on the other side was a huge, dark field, with the woman standing in the middle of it. So when I was awoken by the sound of something very, very large banging against the side of the house, I was already primed to be freaked the fuck out.
I kind of figured that most of the people who read here are more or less in alignment with my own political beliefs. But then it occurred to me:
...I could totally be wrong.
And even if there's just one person reading this who isn't sure whether they're going to vote, or who's planning on voting for Trump but doesn't feel quite right about it: That's a person worth talking to.
Thank you, The Bold Italic. (Download a printable PDF here.)