For the final installment of "Five Things" (previous iterations: Five Things I'm Glad I Brought and Five Things I Totally Didn't Need), let's talk what I wish I had packed before boarding that plane back in June.
Now, obviously I could just go out and buy any of the below items. But I'm not going to because a) I'm stubborn, b) I'm trying to keep the crap I have to lug back home to a minimum, and c) I can technically live without them. Certainly for four more weeks. I may not like it, but I can do it.
Nice Blanket and Pillowcase. The bed here is comfortable - a king, whee (Indy has a queen-sized and is taking full advantage of it, with full-on middle-of-the-night splaying and upsi-downing and such) - but the bedding? Not so good. I mean, it's totally serviceable, just…well, you know that kind of fuzzy neoprene-ish brown blanket that you find layered under the comforter in motels? It's that. Aesthetics totally aside, it would have been really nice to have my own light blanket (and pillowcase) to curl up with at night.