

Five Must-Have Pregnancy Skincare Products

Want to hear something exciting? My skin has been kind of awesome this pregnancy. Which I totally didn't anticipate, because it was kind of terrible last time.

What this total departure from any semblance of consistency has taught me: your skin is guaranteed to be nothing if not unpredictable when you're expecting. It might be better than usual, it might be worse than usual…but it will almost certainly be different than usual.

How to handle the upheaval: keep your skincare routine as streamlined and simple as possible.


Five Things I Kind Of Wish I Had

For the final installment of "Five Things" (previous iterations: Five Things I'm Glad I Brought and Five Things I Totally Didn't Need), let's talk what I wish I had packed before boarding that plane back in June.

Now, obviously I could just go out and buy any of the below items. But I'm not going to because a) I'm stubborn, b) I'm trying to keep the crap I have to lug back home to a minimum, and c) I can technically live without them. Certainly for four more weeks. I may not like it, but I can do it.

Nice Blanket and Pillowcase. The bed here is comfortable - a king, whee (Indy has a queen-sized and is taking full advantage of it, with full-on middle-of-the-night splaying and upsi-downing and such) - but the bedding? Not so good. I mean, it's totally serviceable, just…well, you know that kind of fuzzy neoprene-ish brown blanket that you find layered under the comforter in motels? It's that. Aesthetics totally aside, it would have been really nice to have my own light blanket (and pillowcase) to curl up with at night.


And That’s The End Of That

Just arrived in the mail: a check reimbursing me for the funds that I used to recover my website when it was stolen a few months back (this is the money that I wire transferred to the hacker who had taken my site via - who, I have to say, were amazing through all this - and then had frozen before he could cash it).

The truth is, I honestly didn't expect to ever see this money again. I figured it would be tied up in legal channels more or less forever - and having this kind of resolution…it's not only nice (obviously), it's cathartic. The chances of this crazy situation working out the way it did - which is to say, well - were so unbelievably slim, and the fact that we were able to resolve it is such a testament to how much time and effort all the people involved put into helping me. I don't just owe them a "thank you"; I owe them my livelihood, and my family's security.

It's such a good feeling to know that sometimes things really do turn out OK not "just because"…but because people care.

(If you missed this the first time around, read the full story here.)

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