Links & Love & Stuff
Today in Luxury Items That I Cannot Afford But Like To Dream About Anyway: this. Ugggggh it's so pretty.
Russell Brand's piece on Robin Williams' death is a must-read. "Is it melancholy to think that a world that he can't live in must be broken?"
This video of a man who doesn't realize he is sitting in an audience surrounded by people whose lives he saved fifty years earlier will bring you to tears.
Best Baby Headwraps (Maybe Ever)
So I totally didn't think I'd be one of those baby head accessories people. You know, the stretchy headbands with the big flower poufs on them? They're adorable; they're just not really my thing.
Anyway, it turns out that I am SO one of those people. I just had to discover that accessories beyond flower poufs exist. They are head wraps, they are moderately functional (for warmth purposes) in addition to being the cutest things I have ever seen, and I now own three.
(You can order the ones pictured above from the Stripes Boutique in Campbell, CA - this is also where I picked up this gold leaf headband, which is an obvious essential.)
All This
Yesterday afternoon, Kendrick wedged himself into my bed with us and we took this photo, and then all three of us had one of the best naps of my entire life. I say "one of the best naps of my entire life," but I wasn't even really asleep; I was trying to make sure I stayed just awake enough not to miss one moment of it.
We're our way home this morning. I'm excited to go start a new life with our new family, but I'm not quite ready to leave all this yet.
Links & Love & Stuff
We had dinner at Apple. It was as cool as you'd expect (they give you free apples and have a spectacular burrito bar, and there is a street called "Results Way," which is amazing). P.S. Still pretty excited about my new glasses.
Looking for a great gift for a mom-to-be that's for her, as opposed to yet another onesie for her newborn? Try HelloFlo's new postpartum care packages.