{ Abalone shells from the California coast doubling as jewelry trays … }
{ … Chianti wine and a manicure to match … }
{ Abalone shells from the California coast doubling as jewelry trays … }
{ … Chianti wine and a manicure to match … }
People say this about kids' clothing a lot. But this time I mean it.
Witness: the blouse I just picked up for my daughter (which I think is actually a dress, but I like it paired with these teeny jeans and a grey head wrap)…
At long last: we have an app! No bells and whistles - just a much easier way to access RG on your mobile device, for those of you who prefer to read on your phone or tablet.
Click here for a free download.
Speaking of 4Moms (that's their space egg - a.k.a. the Mamaroo, but I prefer "space egg" - pictured above) - I have to tell you how funny it is, bringing our awesome Origami stroller out in public. I mean this literally: CROWDS GATHER. We basically caused a forty-person pile-up at the security line of people needing to talk about it and ask questions about it and try it out for themselves and touch it…and I don't just mean the passengers; the security people were chasing us around asking what this crazy thing was called and where could they get one for their wives.