

Get A Taste Of Your Dream Life

See the happy faces in that photo? That pretty much sums up how I feel about the surprise I have for you today.


OK, so whenever we take a long car trip with our kids, I start out sitting in the front like a normal person, but within minutes I end up wedged into the teeny, tiny space in between their two car seats, distributing pacifiers and sippy cups and toys, my purse crushed under my feet and an action figure stabbing its plastic sword into the small of my back. And at some point during these rides, I always fall into a daydream: our car has been replaced by a gorgeous (and huge) RV with a refrigerator and a breakfast table and a bed covered in a big, colorful quilt, and instead of sitting in traffic on I-95 we're driving along Route 66, stopping to buy dreamcatchers and eat BBQ and pulling over to the side of the road at night to stare up at the wide-open, star-filled sky.


The Scary Truth About Website Hacking

Today on the Huffington Post, a story about the scary reality behind the all-too-prevalent phenomenon of website theft and the devastating effects it can have on the lives of victims - most significantly small business owners.

Check out the HuffPo article here, and click here for the full story of my hacking (plus some tips for keeping your own site - and personal information - safe) if you missed it the first time around.


Links & Love & Stuff

 Super into wearing my recently-rediscovered high school dance class leotard lately. Is that weird? (Pick up a long-sleeved scoop-necked cotton version of your own here, and be weird with me.)

 A DIY wedding dress…that's full-on gorgeous…for $30?! You have to see this.

 I could stare at the selection of Kelly Wearstler jewelry on Monc XIII for hours. Hours!


Mini Bathroom Makeover: Five Small Changes That Make A Big Difference

This post is sponsored by the Home Depot.

When I painted my bathroom a few months ago, I wasn’t especially thrilled with the results. The two-tone grey walls were pretty, but felt…blah. So I presented myself with a little challenge: find a handful of quick, easy (and affordable) ways to update my bathroom and add the personality and touch of luxury it needed.

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