

My #AlamoDriveHappy Resolution Challenge

I’ve never been a big resolution-maker, but I think that’s because they just feel so exhausting, like a chore that, once completed, gets moved to the Outbox and never thought of again. Except resolutions don’t have to be a huge deal, a now-or-never checklist created on the morning of January 1st: they can be small decisions to live more thoughtfully, in a way more in line with both your priorities and your dreams.

The experiences we have coming up in the next few months are big ones, with lots of traveling both in anticipation of where we’re leaving and in preparation for where we’re headed, and I want to make sure that we don’t just “get through” these trips, but rather take the time to celebrate this opportunity that we’re getting to explore the world together….because it’s a gift; it really is.

Which brings me to my #AlamoDriveHappy travel resolution.


Links & Love & Stuff

 I have rediscovered Clinique's Black Honey lipstick (literally the first lipstick I ever owned; I got it as a birthday gift in seventh grade) and cannot stop wearing it. Also, it was conceptualized way back in 1971 as a "black turtleneck" for lips, which is cool.

 Cressida and Huxley may be my new favorite baby names. And Lou. (Hipster Baby Names You Haven't Heard Of.)

 These leatherette jeans are HOT.


A Question For The San Franciscans Among You…

OK, the point in time during which I need to ask your advice on many, many moving-across-the-country-related matters has officially commenced, and it starts with this:

Where should we move?

It's obviously way too early to start looking at rental properties (which you tend to find a month or two out; the properties that are available now almost certainly won't be the same ones that are available in June), but I have a daily alert set up so that I can spend the coming months familiarizing myself with what's out there so that I'm as well-informed as possible when it comes time to pull the trigger…and I want to make sure I'm focusing on the right spots.


The Ramshackle Glam Gift Guide For Kids

Obviously the most fun list to put together, this list is a whole bunch of things that I feel confident my children would obsess over…plus a few items that the moms on your list will most certainly be into (gold Wookie slippers and '70s-print headwraps, anyone?).

1. What. Are these. (Things that I can't believe I don't already own, that's what they are.)

2. Every cool little girl needs a cool leather jacket (and this one is red, making it even cooler).

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