

Holiday Gift Guide: Maximum Coziness Edition

Give me all the sweaters and twinkle lights and in-bed dining trays and give them to me eight months ago

As I said in this post, I've personally really leaned in to the whole "never leaving the house again, ever" aspect of the past year. Because really: If you ask me to choose between Sugarfish in bed, as pictured above, and Sugarfish in a crowded restaurant filled with strangers wearing things like high heels and makeup...ummmmmm...



The Big Activity Book for Divorced People…Now Available for Preorder!

The screaming Adam Driver is my favorite part.

Presenting: The latest in the Big Activity Book series! I'm obviously a little personally attached to this one, and have to say: After having written volumes about the utterly soul-crushing experience of going through a divorce, it was pretty fun - and cathartic - to explore the topic's more comical side. And trust me: There is one!

Click here to learn more about the book and to preorder. As always, it's so exciting to get to share these projects with you guys first, and I'm beyond grateful for all the support and encouragement you've given me over the years.


Holiday Gift Guide: (Still) At Home

Soma Pajamas | Sunday Somewhere glasses

Welp, here we are! Still.

As much as this year has been all the awful things (like literally all of them), I have to say: I've loved the total and utter absence of FOMO. Truly, all I ever wanted to do on a Saturday night was drink a bottle of wine while watching Bachelor in Paradise reruns, and now? That's all ANYONE does! It's enormously validating, and I dread the day when I once again feel like I really *should* put on a pair of pants (ew) and actually...leave the house something (shudder).

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