

Say Yes In 2015

I’ve said over and over how much I’m not really a fan of New Year’s Resolutions, mostly because they feel more like chores than anything else (and chores that will be immediately abandoned come January 2nd, at that). But another reason why they’re so not-especially-fun is that they’re all about “no”s. Don’t do that. Or that. Definitely stop doing this.

You know that thing you love? STOP DOING IT.



Links & Love & Stuff

 Spent yesterday assembling a a succulent display and moisturizing, because all that holiday madness left me a bit of a mess. (That planter kit, by the way, is pretty much the neatest thing EVER - they send you everything you need and you do the planting, then hang the finished project on your wall once the roots take hold. Coooool.)

 The Internet's reaction to Fox News' request that viewers share what they're "over" is just wonderful. #socialmediastrategyfail (Related: Fox News Says President Obama Plans To Ban Christmas Cookies, because obviously.) (via The New Civil Rights Movement.)

 That ear jacket thing isn't a trend I was planning on hopping on board with mostly because my life at the moment doesn't really include fabulously ornate earring-requiring outings…but I like this pair so much I'd wear them at home, with pajamas, just because.

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