Links & Love & Stuff
This is a very good bucket bag. And, as you can see, holds EVERYTHING.
NO ONE fights like Gaston. (Never Challenge Disney World's Gaston to a Push-Up Contest, via GeeksAreSexy.)
Starting Out As A Blogger: What I Wish I’d Known
Q. Saw your lovely feature on ShopSense. Can you share more business tips you wish you knew before [you started] blogging?
Elizabeth (via Twitter)
A. Oh, yes. The "business of blogging" is one of my all-time favorite subjects. Blogs aren't just businesses, they're big businesses. And if you plan to make your blog your business, you should treat it like one.
Giveaway: 4Moms Mamaroo Infant Seat
Say Yes In 2015
I’ve said over and over how much I’m not really a fan of New Year’s Resolutions, mostly because they feel more like chores than anything else (and chores that will be immediately abandoned come January 2nd, at that). But another reason why they’re so not-especially-fun is that they’re all about “no”s. Don’t do that. Or that. Definitely stop doing this.
You know that thing you love? STOP DOING IT.