

Meet The Sabine

By now, you know my gorgeous, talented, wonderful BFF Francesca.

She started The Sabine with Grammy and Oscar-nominated pianist Randy Kerber, and their debut EP is out today (really - it was released, like, five minutes ago, so you're among the first on the planet to hear it). The music is sixties-inspired and cinematic, and I love it and want you to hear it, too.

Check it out on Soundcloud here.


Live-Tweeting The Oscars

Here is me wearing mink eyelashes. And eighty pounds of hair extensions. (Seriously; this moment was very obviously the most glamorous of my entire life.)

On that note: I'll be live-Tweeting the Academy Awards tonight. Just for fun. Come hang (@ramshackleglam).


The Baby Rolling Stones Tee

OK, so confession: as much as I obviously love shopping for my daughter…my favorite thing to put her in is my son's clothing.

I anticipated putting her in hand-me-downs for money-saving purposes - because for real: a onesie is a onesie is a onesie - but then realized that even on those mornings when we were doing "something special" and I wanted to put her in her very cutest things…I was going for Indy's old tops, and pairing them with Goldie's own leggings or jeans.

Little striped knit sweaters, long-sleeved henleys in "boy" (read: dark) colors…and…best of all...

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