

Summertime Wishlisting, Just For Fun

Because the sky is grey and miserable today and I'm dreaming of hot days and open roads, let's do a little warm-weather fantasizing, shall we?

P.S. All of the above pieces are from ShopBop, and you can get 25% off of your entire order using code SPRING25 at checkout. Also P.S. this fringe bucket bag is great and I couldn't get it into the slideshow above but still wanted you to see it because: great.


All About Those River Towns

family apple picking

Alright, here's another question that I thought was too specific to get into on RG, but, as it turns out, about 99.9% of the people who read here are presently living in New York City and contemplating fleeing. Or at least that's how it appears from my email inbox lately: I've gotten email after email after email from people (mostly new parents) saying, in a nutshell, this:

Yes. It is.

Let me tell you something: We're moving because of Kendrick's job and because we both have always wanted to live in California, but if not for those factors, I would happily live in the river towns for the rest of my life. But there are a lot of them, and a lot of factors to consider, so I thought I'd take a moment to break it down for you.


How Much House Can You Afford?

jordan reid

Look! It's stressed-out us, thinking about things.

House house house house house.

I know; I'm sorry. But I literally cannot think about anything else right now. Which makes sense: our house is presently filled top to bottom with boxes and bubble wrap. I now talk to our broker more than I talk to anyone else in my life, including my mother and husband (which is actually pretty fun because she's super cool). And it doesn't even stop when I go to sleep, because my dreams consist of house tours and failed offers and a large dose of panic.


Random Things I’ve Bought (Or Have Thought About Buying) On Amazon Lately

This is not my home office. But I would like it to be please.

Can we all agree that Amazon Prime is sort of the best? I love it. Because here's the thing: when you live in a major city and don't have two very small yet very heavy people to carry everywhere you go, nipping out to the store for, like, envelopes is no big deal. But I live in the suburbs, and those two very small yet very heavy people live with me. In other words: there is no store-nipping in my life these days. There are only massive, vaguely hellish three-hour excursions to Bed Bath & Beyond during which I manage to buy exactly none of what I came for because by the time I get to the checkout line my children are Officially Done and I cannot exist in the store for one single more moment.

Anyway, Prime is great, and I've started ordering literally everything in my life from Amazon. Yesterday I was trying to remember the name of a product I'd ordered a couple of months ago, and so I started scrolling through my Recent Orders (as well as the products that I apparently occasionally "Save For Later" even though I have zero recollection of doing so), and goodness, are the things I buy there ever random.


What To Do When You’re Stuck In The Airport With Kids

Guess what I got really, really good at last week?

Existing in an airport with a three-year-old.

When we came to terms with the fact that yup, our flight was leaving without us and settled in at 8AM with a good twelve-plus hours before we could even begin thinking about boarding on the horizon, I was not a happy camper. I mean, airports are fun for about twenty minutes when you're buying fashion magazines and eating Mounds bars, and then they become a whole lot less fun and a whole lot more Groundhog Day-ish (with a dash of The Shining thrown in), and you would just like to get on the plane now, please. I can't even entertain myself in an airport for that long; the idea of keeping my son non-miserable was intimidating, to say the least.


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