

All About Those River Towns

family apple picking

Alright, here's another question that I thought was too specific to get into on RG, but, as it turns out, about 99.9% of the people who read here are presently living in New York City and contemplating fleeing. Or at least that's how it appears from my email inbox lately: I've gotten email after email after email from people (mostly new parents) saying, in a nutshell, this:

Yes. It is.

Let me tell you something: We're moving because of Kendrick's job and because we both have always wanted to live in California, but if not for those factors, I would happily live in the river towns for the rest of my life. But there are a lot of them, and a lot of factors to consider, so I thought I'd take a moment to break it down for you.


How Much House Can You Afford?

jordan reid

Look! It's stressed-out us, thinking about things.

House house house house house.

I know; I'm sorry. But I literally cannot think about anything else right now. Which makes sense: our house is presently filled top to bottom with boxes and bubble wrap. I now talk to our broker more than I talk to anyone else in my life, including my mother and husband (which is actually pretty fun because she's super cool). And it doesn't even stop when I go to sleep, because my dreams consist of house tours and failed offers and a large dose of panic.


Random Things I’ve Bought (Or Have Thought About Buying) On Amazon Lately

This is not my home office. But I would like it to be please.

Can we all agree that Amazon Prime is sort of the best? I love it. Because here's the thing: when you live in a major city and don't have two very small yet very heavy people to carry everywhere you go, nipping out to the store for, like, envelopes is no big deal. But I live in the suburbs, and those two very small yet very heavy people live with me. In other words: there is no store-nipping in my life these days. There are only massive, vaguely hellish three-hour excursions to Bed Bath & Beyond during which I manage to buy exactly none of what I came for because by the time I get to the checkout line my children are Officially Done and I cannot exist in the store for one single more moment.

Anyway, Prime is great, and I've started ordering literally everything in my life from Amazon. Yesterday I was trying to remember the name of a product I'd ordered a couple of months ago, and so I started scrolling through my Recent Orders (as well as the products that I apparently occasionally "Save For Later" even though I have zero recollection of doing so), and goodness, are the things I buy there ever random.


What To Do When You’re Stuck In The Airport With Kids

Guess what I got really, really good at last week?

Existing in an airport with a three-year-old.

When we came to terms with the fact that yup, our flight was leaving without us and settled in at 8AM with a good twelve-plus hours before we could even begin thinking about boarding on the horizon, I was not a happy camper. I mean, airports are fun for about twenty minutes when you're buying fashion magazines and eating Mounds bars, and then they become a whole lot less fun and a whole lot more Groundhog Day-ish (with a dash of The Shining thrown in), and you would just like to get on the plane now, please. I can't even entertain myself in an airport for that long; the idea of keeping my son non-miserable was intimidating, to say the least.



How To Win A Bidding War (And Whether You Should Write A Letter To The Sellers)

OK, so I think we can all agree: bidding wars ARE THE WORST. You get all crazy emotional, and start laying awake at night picturing your new life between your new walls, and come up with your highest and best offer, and then someone swoops in all WHEE I HAVE SO MUCH MONEYYYY and you can't even compete but you try to, and start offering more and more and more, and then don't get it anyway, and:

-> tears.

Anyway, I've been through a few bidding wars over the course of my life as a homeowner (six, to be precise, with another one on the horizon this week). I have also been on the other side, as a seller. And what I have learned is that there is nothing you can do to control the outcome (short of having unlimited reserves of cash, in which case that's wonderful and also you are probably reading the wrong website), but there is a whole lot you can do to tip the scales in your favor.

Are any of these things going to for-sure win you the house? No. But they will make it more likely, and "more likely" is better than "less likely," am I right?

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