

All About That Instagram

Q. I'm wondering what you've been doing to your photos recently? They look beautiful - I want to call them "whitewashed" but that's because I know nothing about photography at all..? I've noticed the shift on your Instagram and here. Very different vibe lately and I'm curious about the background story and the technical change!

A. Thank you! And I am SO EXCITED that this was noticeable to someone other than me, because it was definitely a conscious decision.

Here's the thing: Regardless of what your job is, I think it's very important to take a minute every so often to step back, try to look at your work from an objective standpoint, and say "Where can I do better?" And when I did that a few weeks ago, a major opportunity that jumped out at me was my Instagram. I love Instagram - it's my most casual, fun outlet, and I was treating it like…well, basically like casual fun. But what I realized is that while it's important to me that I keep having fun with it…it's also a component of my business. And it should be treated like one.


Links & Love & Stuff

Truth. (Follow my Daily Inspiration board on Pinterest here.)

Link roundup today because my head is completely fried from adding the full-time job that is finding a new place to regular day-to-day work and kid stuff. I don't even watch Friday Night Lights anymore; I pretend to watch it while actually scrolling through endless API scores and inspection reports and Google Earth views of streets I've never stood on. Sigh. I'll be back, Tim Riggins. I'll be back.

 Look, you can totally wear a sports bra in public! Like, to a fancy restaurant! (I'd totally wear this one in public. Love it.)


Summertime Wishlisting, Just For Fun

Because the sky is grey and miserable today and I'm dreaming of hot days and open roads, let's do a little warm-weather fantasizing, shall we?

P.S. All of the above pieces are from ShopBop, and you can get 25% off of your entire order using code SPRING25 at checkout. Also P.S. this fringe bucket bag is great and I couldn't get it into the slideshow above but still wanted you to see it because: great.

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