

Links & Love & Stuff

amy schumer confidence speech

 I wanted to print Amy Schumer's entire Ms. Gala speech here. It's required reading, guys. I was that girl in the dorm room once and I will never be that girl again, and I want nothing more than for my daughter to never, ever be that girl either. And the more we talk about this the less likely that is.

 Look, these are totally like Toms! But cuter! And rainbow! Whee.

 How these Swedish police officers responded to an altercation on the subway should be mandatory viewing for officer trainees. (Did These Swedish Cops School The NYPD?, via AJ+.)


Links & Love & Stuff

 Look at this awesome package of San Francisco-themed loveliness that arrived from my friends at ShopStyle! It smells like HEAVEN ON TOAST, mostly I think because of that candle.

 When I was a teenager it was all about Coach and Kate Spade, and I've been really fascinated by the changes that both brands have made in the years since - basically, they upped their price point and their cache and et cetera et cetera and basically elevated themselves out of the appealing-to-tweens market. Which makes this article about Michael Kors bags and the rabid desire for them from the 13-year-old set super interesting. (via The Cut)

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