

Five Right-This-Moment Favorites

I'm currently recovering from eye surgery while parked in the guest bedroom of my extremely tolerant BFF, Erin, who is at this very moment making us coffee. I haven't had anyone bring me coffee in bed in three years, so even though the situation on my face is rather uncomfortable, I have to say: For a parent of two small children, coffee in bed is some next-level relaxation. (Also, last night I dreamed that I styled Kylie Jenner - "GIRL, that dress is hitting at the exact wrong spot; here, try this one!" - so...I don't know what that means, but I did not dream that I was in the middle of one apocalypse or another, and that's new, so I'll take it.)

Related Read: Erin teaches me how to do a "German Smear" 

Related Read: A Full Bathroom Renovation...For Less Than $700


Ramshackle Glam’s Most-Read Posts Of 2020

Most importantly, 2020 brought us Opal, the Mormon Church rescue kitten.

I already told you what the 10 most-shopped products of 2020 here are the 10 most-loved (or most hate-read, whatevs) posts of 2020. Turns out what you were most interested in this year (in Ramshackle Glam world, at least - I have a feeling what you were *actually* most interested in was whatever Steve Kornacki had to say) was beauty experimentation, homeschooling updates, and personal dramatics (always a hit).

Scroll down to find out what the Number One Most-Read Post of 2020 was. You'll be floored.


Holiday Gift Guide: Stuff To Do (Because #Lockdown)

It's funny, how we can think back and divide the past year into super-distinct phases. There was the "spraying my vegetables with Clorox" phase. The banana bread phase. The puzzle phase. The Zoom learning-curve phase. Something involving fluffy coffee that I never quite got into. That moment when all parents made carefully color-coded wall calendars for their kids, only to abandon them within the week.

I made ramen.


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