

How To Let Your Wedding Guests Know They Don’t Get A Plus One

A. Oh, this can be awkward. I feel you.

We were on a maaaajor budget for our wedding, and were super strict about who was allowed to bring a plus one and who wasn't, but...that's something about our wedding that I regret. A wedding is for the couple, yes, but the best weddings are the ones where the focus is placed on everyone having fun...and for some people, having a plus one is the difference between having fun and feeling kind of miserable.


Bags Are Packed And Nothing To Wear

The problem with graduation-wear: I feel like it's supposed to be...ladylike. I mean, grandmas are in attendance at graduations, right? And I enjoy a good floral dress, but ladylike isn't a look I'm especially talented at pulling off. Mostly because if I try, what ends up happening is something spills, or something wrinkles, or somebody, I don't know, vomits on me, and there you go: unladylike. So I don't have a whole lot of graduation-appropriate dresses hanging around in my life.

What I will probably be wearing to Kendrick's graduation (three weeks!), if we're being totally honest: this black Theory dress from, like, 1998 that's hanging in my closet because for whatever reason I haven't packed it yet, and it's midi-length so it seems like it might be appropriate.

It's kind of cute. I have no idea if it fits. It may or may not be clean.


Links & Love & Stuff

amy schumer confidence speech

 I wanted to print Amy Schumer's entire Ms. Gala speech here. It's required reading, guys. I was that girl in the dorm room once and I will never be that girl again, and I want nothing more than for my daughter to never, ever be that girl either. And the more we talk about this the less likely that is.

 Look, these are totally like Toms! But cuter! And rainbow! Whee.

 How these Swedish police officers responded to an altercation on the subway should be mandatory viewing for officer trainees. (Did These Swedish Cops School The NYPD?, via AJ+.)

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