

Road-Tripping With Kids: A Survival Guide

Q. Hi Jordan!

I was hoping you could do a post on keeping young kids happy/entertained in the car when you get a chance? We'll be driving from Rhode Island to North Carolina in a month with my 21-month old (and a surly cat, God help me) and I'm really nervous about it. We usually plan longer car trips around bedtime/naps, but that obviously won't be possible this time around.

Any tips would be much appreciated!


Magic Hour

joshua tree national park

Joshua Tree, California

You guys, I'm going to have to apologize in advance in the event that all of a sudden I turn into a total chakras-and-crystals person, because I don't know who it is that is in these photographs, but the Jordan that I know does not decide to spontaneously break into yoga poses while watching the sunset barefoot in the sand.

Or...jeez, I don't know. Maybe she does.


Top Of The World

First rule of road-tripping: when you see a tiny, hand-painted sign that says "Antiques," you should definitely go wherever it's pointing, because what you might find is a half-gas station half-junk shop, and in that junk shop you might be able to find something called "Weepy The Wee-Wee."

We spent yesterday driving from Williamsburg to Asheville, and arrived about four hours later than we expected to, but that's okay: the reasons we arrived later were:


Sunday In The Park With Flowers

I don't have much to say about this afternoon, other than that it was a dream and that a dandelion (or two) behind the ear is always a good idea.

On Me: Eddie Bauer Flannel. (Speaking of Eddie Bauer, I'm going to be at the Union Square store this Thursday from 4-5, and will be doing a full styling session on one reader. Would love to see you before I strike out West!)

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