Carmel never gets old for me.
I mean, the town is definitely a bit of a spectacle: everyone is super wealthy (or at least that's how it appears) - we're talking Maseratis and Lamborghinis literally lining the streets - which creates an atmosphere that might not be to everyone's taste. (As an example, we saw one twenty-year-old driving down the street in his red Ferrari with his red Ferrari hat on and talking - loudly, of course - into his red Ferrari-covered cell. Eeeeeeughhh.)
But occasional bursts of attitude aside, there's also such a lovely small-coastal-town vibe. Sort of like Cape Cod, minus the lobster. And it's beautiful - to get there, you wind down a road past stunning little Spanish-style houses, and if you keep going all the way down to the water you find the most perfect white sand sloping down into a bright blue cove. Great (albeit expensive) shopping, great food, great weather, great drive; definitely one of my all-time favorite day trips.