


diaper cream in baby's hair

What can I say? She's committed to her craft.

I mean, you kind of have to respect the sheer volume of effort my daughter put into this. She didn't just slap that diaper cream on; she applied it. Thoroughly.

So after I laughed at the sight of my marshmallow-child - because really, when things like this happen there is nothing else you can do (besides, of course, take a photograph to show your husband so that he believes you when you tell him exactly how bad your day was) - I started the extremely long process of figuring out what the hell to do when your one-year-old paints herself from head to toe with a product that is specifically formulated to repel moisture.


Links & Love & Stuff

 We're going to have to talk more extensively about this sweatshirt later, because it's that good, but in the meantime: here you go. (I bought it in a size large, FYI.)

 My friend Erin just finished an epic 10-day journey across the US with her six-month-old, and wrote about what she learned about parenting from the three mothers who she stayed with (myself included). This post had me in tears.

 You can't ever have too many of these.


Blogging, Books, Startup Collaborations & Cross-Country Moves with Kids

Do you know, I've never done a podcast before? It's really fun: it feels strangely informal and intimate, and 20 minutes in you kind of forget you're being recorded for broadcast and start telling stories that you didn't exactly mean to tell.

(Click here to listen to my episode of the Spirit of 608 podcast, in which we talk how to make a living as a blogger, cross-country road trips with babies, and why I am really, really not even a tiny bit like Kate Middleton.)


Camp Out

You know what launch parties are?


You worry about the guest list and the food and the drinks and the gift bags and the decor and will anybody come and what if it rains and what if it's too hot and what if it's too cold and yaaaaaargh.

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