Mostly Pinterest functions to make me feel bad about myself. My hair, my nails, my smoky-eye abilities, the scarcity of silk trench coats in my closet, and oh my god my dinners.
It's not that my dinners are bad; they're usually pretty good ifIdosaysomyself - they're just not...I don't know, accessorized. Surrounded with little trimmings of locally sourced flower buds, or resting on snow-white plates with attractive little drip-drops of olive oil scattered about the edges, or whatever. (A caveat: lately my dinners have actually been rawther lovely, but that's because of Trader Joe's, not because of any exceptional food-styling abilities on my part.)
Anyway, this dinner - actually a "brinner,"* if we're being specific - is, like, the Kirsten Bell of meals (I'm watching Frozen with Indy right now - try not to be shocked - and this is the first cute actress who popped to mind, but it actually makes sense because she seems like, were she a food, she would be quite delicious).