

Strawberry-Basil Fizz

When Kendrick and I got home from our Saturday adventures, it was that moment right before the sun sets when all you (or at least I) want to do is collapse into a hammock with an US Weekly. So that's what I did, and I was all relaxed and cozy...and then I turned the page and spotted a recipe for something called a Strawberry-Basil Rickey.

You know what makes those just-before-sunset-in-a-hammock moments even better?

A cocktail.

This particular recipe required things like fresh herbs and mortar and pestles and Cointreau, though, so as delicious as it looked, it wasn't going to happen. Not right then, anyway.


Cucumber Yogurt with Mint & Olive Oil

Doesn't that just look like a perfect storm of good things?

Last weekend, when we were wandering around the city, Kendrick and I passed a little frozen yogurt shop and peered in the window to read the menu of specialty concoctions. I was confused for a moment as to why anyone would put cucumber and olive oil on frozen yogurt (not that that's necessarily a bad idea, just a slightly confusing one), and then realized: oh. Not a frozen yogurt shop. A yogurt yogurt shop. (Chobani, specifically.)

We ended up continuing on our way without going in, but I kept thinking about that cucumber and olive oil yogurt all week long, and so today I thought I'd give it a shot myself.


Peanut Butter & Granola Apple Rings

The highlight of the breakfast the crew served at last week's shoot: Granny Apple rings covered in peanut butter and granola. They were so good, in fact, that I've been making them myself nearly every day since.

These apple rings are a great addition to a lunchbox, and the options are endless: all you really need are apples, peanut butter and granola, but I've been adding things like flaxseed (for a health boost), dried fruit and mini chocolate chips to mix it up.


Something Went Into My Kitchen And Emerged Deep-Fried, And That Is A Miracle

Deep frying freaks. Me. Out.

First of all, I never had any idea how it worked. I pictured enormous bubbling vats filled with million-degree oil-bombs, and if there's one thing I should stay very far away from it's bubbling vats filled with million-degree oil-bombs. I just didn't get it: you put your meat, fish or vegetable in...and then...what? Does it...float? Or do you have to brave the oil-bomb with a set of (heat-conductive) tongs? How do you know when things are hot enough, or when they're cooked through?

How do you not set the kitchen on fire?!

Anyway, shocker: it's easy. And not nearly as terrifying as I pictured.


Fettuccine with Sweet Tomato Sauce and Asparagus

I have a weird thing for Prego. I think it's because my mom used to use it as a base for our pasta dinners when we were growing up (just adding things like mushrooms, onions and meat to jazz it up). I mean, I totally get it: you're supposed to like 100% fresh sauce best, and yes, it's wonderful...but...

I also like Prego. I can't help it. It's sort of like McDonald's hamburgers versus the Black Label burger at Minetta Tavern: they're just totally different categories of food, and equally delicious in their own ways. I think, however, that what makes me like Prego is - rather unfortunately - the same thing that makes it a less-great option than homemade sauce: all that added sugar that's present in pretty much anything that you buy pre-made.

This pasta dish is fresh and light, and has that touch of sweetness that I'm looking for without actually being loaded up with sugar. I've been making this recipe (one of the first I ever wrote about, actually) for years, and have tweaked it to make it as straightforward and simple as possible - it takes about fifteen minutes start to finish, and is a major crowd-pleaser.

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