

Half-Homemade Coconut Cream Pie

Is coconut cream pie a summer thing?

I think it might be.

I could not possibly care less. It's so good, and I want it right now, cold weather and all. All of the time. I am very sad that these photos were taken last week and that this pie no longer exists in close proximity to my face.


Deconstructed Vegetable Pot Pie

OK, so expecting a baby for the second time?

Really different than the first.

It's different in good ways (I'm more chilled out about the whole process, mostly because I keep forgetting that I'm pregnant) and not-so-good ways (I'm sicker and about ten thousand times more exhausted), but the definite, one-hundred-percent most fun difference?


Spectacular Spinach Lasagna

This isn't a dish I make all that often, but every time I do, I re-resolve to pull it back into more frequent rotation. It's so, so good.

The cons: It's a little labor-intensive - not "difficult" at all; it just involves quite a lot of ingredients (none of which are expensive) and a bunch of different pots and pans. I hate cleaning pots and pans with a passion, so if I'm willing to clean four of them, that means we're talking about a seriously delicious meal.

The pros: It makes children eat spinach. Like, request it. What?! (And it keeps really well in the freezer if you want to eat half now and save the rest for a day when you are too tired to do things like construct layered pasta dishes.)

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