

Easy Upgrades (Or: How Not To Nag Your Kids About Brussels Sprouts)

I try to think about things like planning out perfectly balanced meals...

(but I’d much rather smooch this one).

I am not exactly the healthiest eater on the planet - I think we’ve established this by now. It’s not that I eat (or even want to eat) tons of junk; it’s more that I tend to be an “eat what’s there” kind of person, even if “what’s there” is “whatever my children left on their plates.” You know my ginger shots? Those are not happening lately. Given our schedules at the moment, the mincing and straining of ginger does not sound like a fun way to spend my three free seconds.


OK Fiiiine, This Is Better

easy fast recipe for garlic rice

Hello I love you.

Confession: I am a person who makes steam-in-bag rice. (This should not be a major surprise to you, as I am also the kind of person who has been known to make spaghetti sauce with a Prego base. Hush, Prego is delicious.) I'm a steam-in-bag rice kind of girl because I have a memory dating back to when I was fifteen years old and burned a pot of rice and decided that rice is a pain in the ass to make...but I mostly because I don't care, and because to me "steam-in-bag rice" is rice. Like, the same rice that real rice is.

Then, a couple of months ago, my friend Alisa - who is apparently my go-to friend for making me realize that I need to step up my game - came over for dinner and asked me what she should bring, and I said, "Oh, nothing, just yourself!" Except then I told her what I was making, and when she discovered I was making steam-in-bag rice to go with my lovely Korean BBQ she said "Stop. No. I will make real rice." And okayyyy fiiiiine, what she made was way better than steam-in-bag rice.

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