This is a Wagon Wheel. In a near-exact repeat of the It's It San Francisco situation, I have fallen in love. Two biscuits, jam, and marshmallow, and sheer perfection in plastic wrap.
Super Simple Meatloaf
Sigh. Meatloaf has to be the single most unphotogenic meal in the world. I made some yesterday afternoon to use up some stuff we had hanging around our fridge before I left for Canada, but I'm not even going to put up a picture of the finished product, because it looks like...meatloaf.
Potage Parmentier / Success!
Last winter I went through a phase in which I devoured book after book after book about Julia Child, and was inspired by my readings to try my hand at making what sounded like the simplest soup ever: Potage Parmentier (potato & leek soup).
Nanny Ruth’s Peanut Butter Cookies
You remember my Nanny Ruth, right? She's fairly unforgettable.
So are her peanut butter cookies.
Try This Tuesday / Stop The Presses
I have just consumed the single most delicious dessert-type thing I have ever eaten in my life.