

Sex In A Pan

When I was in Canada over Canadian Thanksgiving, my cousin Tina gave me the recipe for something she called "Sex In A Pan." It involves chocolate, pudding, whipped cream...and not a second spent at the stove. Obviously, it went straight to the top of my must-make list.


Spot Dessert Bar / Yuletide Log Shoot

On Wednesday afternoon I swung by the rustic, adorable Spot Dessert Bar (on St. Mark's Place) to film a segment with celebrity chef Pichet Ong (of P*ONG and The Bubble Lounge) in which he taught me how to make a Yuletide Log.


Pumpkin Roll

Last autumn I was all about the pumpkin recipes...but this year? Not so much.
But then I saw this simple, pretty pumpkin roll recipe in People (from Kristen Chenoweth's mom), and decided to give it a shot on a lazy Sunday.

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