

Chicken Tikka Masala Experiment (And Suggestions, Please)

I have never tried making Indian food before, and last week's experiment taught me a little lesson:

When attempting to cook a dish from an entirely unfamiliar cuisine, follow the damn recipe.

I didn't really follow the recipe. Or I sort of did…but was so confused by the sheer volume of spices it told me to pile into my slow-cooker that I started thinking to myself "That can't be right" and going lighter than the recommended amounts of cumin and cardamom and what have you. And guess what I ended up with?


Thanksgiving Side Dish: Citrusy Quinoa Salad With Pomegranates And Cranberries

I don’t typically pepper my diet with items that could be referred to as “superfoods.” I mean, I know I should, but I just…don’t. Because when I hear “healthy grain” what that translates to in my head is “cardboard.” And cardboard is not especially delicious.

But the thing about these superfoods – and quinoa, which is full of protein, fiber, iron, and lysine (essential for tissue growth and repair, making it a big skin-health booster) in particular – is that while they may not be something you’d want to eat a huge bowl of on their own, they’re excellent delivery systems for much more delicious things. My favorite additions: a citrusy vinaigrette and an assortment of fruits (antioxidant-rich pomegranate seeds and cranberries and vitamin C-filled orange) that are both good-tasting and good for you.

Bonus: this makes for a very, very pretty autumnal side dish, and an unexpected (and super-healthy) addition to your Thanksgiving table.


Easy Storage Solution: Quilted Koala

I hate clutter. We know this.

But kids are basically little clutter machines (the ten bajagillion legos scattered throughout my household will be the death of me…and I mean that literally, because I step on them and slip on them and practically catapult down stairways because of them on a daily basis). I love having our attic space for my son to play in (and destroy), but we still need to keep an assortment of toys in the living room/dining room area of our house, because that's where we spend about 99% of our time.

But this? Is not okay with me.


A Safe (And Beautiful) Way To Block Out Bedroom Light

When we moved into our new house, our son finally (finally!) started sleeping through the night. And it was wonderful. Like, THE BEST THING EVER.

And then summer came along, and it stopped being wonderful, because guess what happened every morning around 5:30AM? The sun got up, and our son got up right along with it.

So we decided that something needed to be done, and installed blinds. Except they only dimmed the room; they didn’t actually darken it. We looked at traditional blackout curtains, but they were way too dorm-room-y for my taste. We ultimately decided on thick, dark-grey curtains, and those work – our son now sleeps past sunrise even in the summertime…but now we have Child Number Two in the house, and for our daughter’s bright, feminine, minty nursery, heavy, almost-black drapes just weren’t going to fly.

I wanted to keep it feeling light in there…but still wanted to be able to turn off the sun when a midday nap was in session.

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