
Crafts for the Uncrafty

Make Your Own Tent (With Tassels!)


You will note, please, that I said "we" and not "I." That is because I had literally nothing to do with like 99% of this project, because I am not talented like that. I do, however, have a friend, Erin, who is, and who responded to our son's love of cave/fort things with "Well, let's make him one!"

And so we (and again, by "we" I mean "Erin and her husband, who just happens to be a master woodworker") did. And then we covered it with polka-dot flannel and added rainbow tassels, and the whole thing is just flat-out RIDICULOUSLY COOL.

DIY Projects

Cannot. Stop. Painting Stuff.

But really: there are few things in life that can't be improved by the addition of a little neon.

(Painted that penguin, too. How cute is he?)

Looking for good neon paint? It's weirdly hard to find; trust me, I've looked. Try Martha Stewart Satin in Lightning Bug, Orange Soda, and Lime Zinger; they're the paints I've been unleashing on everything we own lately. (Especially fond of my Pollock-ed mirror project.)


In The Kitchen

I'm in the middle of a massive Our House Our House Our House obsession.

I love our house.

I'm excited about our move in a vacuum - and specifically excited about the prospect of setting up a whole new space to live in…but still: I sort of wish I could pick up our house and drag it out to California with me. It's just so…romantic. It's like looking at the face of a person I've loved for years and years - there are flaws all over, I guess, but I don't even see them: all I see is what's special and beautiful and perfect.

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