I really enjoy using for-real cloth products on my table when I'm entertaining, but as I don't have a washer-dryer in my apartment (or apartment building, sigh) and I have a tendency to things like red wine and pasta sauce everywhere except for the places that they should go...
DIY Chalkboard Refrigerator
Meet My New Favorite Piece of Furniture: My refrigerator. I guess it's technically My New Favorite Appliance, but let's not nitpick, hey?
10 Unique Place Card Holders…Plus DIY
You can easily DIY a version of those Upcycled Glass Jars...
Let’s Find Some Pink Retro Chairs, Shall We?
A couple of you asked for places to find retro pink chairs similar to the ones I posted yesterday...
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Beef & Beer Stew
I adapted the dish to suit my tastes, as should really be done with all-in-one-pot meals like this one (it's really hard to mess them up, so go ahead and pour in everything you like), and it turned out quite stunningly. Not stunningly beautiful, alas (such is life when it comes to stews), but very, very delicious.