

Homemade Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies

Remember my Homemade Samoas experiment from a couple of weeks ago? They were sort of a big hit with the friends and family, so I figured I'd give another Girl Scout Cookie the homemade treatment this weekend.


Crunchy Peanut Butter Pasta

The other night it suddenly occurred to me that because our new go-to Chinese place doesn't include tis stuff free of charge, I haven't had peanut butter-y noodles in almost two years. But you know what I had in my refrigerator? Peanut butter. And noodles. And some other delicious-tasting things.


Rhubarbs & Meringue

Rhubarb is one of those things that I always see in the supermarket and want to buy but never do, because really, I have no idea what to do with it. I know I like rhubarb crumble (a LOT)...but beyond that?

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