Start with an Ikea Ektorp sofa...
DIY Dog Bed Rehab
The other day I saw this post on transforming an old side table into a pretty dog bed, and knew I had my next project all lined up.
Mom’s Lemon-Chocolate Birthday Cake
Once again, it has been proven to me that all cake is good cake...and this cake is GREAT cake.
Accessible Decor: Balancing Masculine & Feminine
Awhile back, my girlfriend moved in with her fiance and inherited a lot of his large, masculine furniture. I was over one evening, and she asked me my opinion on how to make the apartment look a bit more balanced...
Accessible Decor: Adorable Bathroom
Another example of a space that is beautiful...and totally do-able. I mean sure, a claw-foot tub would come in handy here, but you can get everything else you need to achieve this look for next-to-nothing.