If you should find yourself in the unfortunate position of not knowing anyone from whom you can purchase your yearly stash of Thin Mints, help is here.
Farro, Mushroom & Asparagus Salad
Lately, I am so weirdly into farro. It’s such an nutty thing to be obsessed with, especially if you’re…me. Now Yodels: there’s an obsession I get…but grains aren’t exactly something I’m used to being all wax-rhapsodic about. But it’s just so good. And hearty. And mixable-with-things. And cheap! It takes a lot to separate me...
DIY Vintage Kitchen Chairs
How adorable is this? You can totally do this.
So I Think I Changed My Mind About Sandwiches
Do you know, I used to be all, "I hate sandwiches"?
DIY Sparkle Key Cap
This is a nice way to transform a key that you'd like to hang onto - say, the key from your first apartment, or the key to your college dorm room - into wearable art.