

You’ll Adore These Simple Autumn Decor Ideas

Audrey Scheck

Home contributor Audrey Scheck cozies up with the cutest (and easiest) autumn accents.

Fall is my favorite season, and I’m willing to bet it’s up there for you, too. There’s something about Fall that seems to excite and unite everyone. Once Labor Day passes it feels like everyone is ready to cozy up for the remainder of the year, and I’m all about it!

Decorating for Fall is something I always look forward to. I have a mad love for pumpkins, spicy home scents, warm textures...and candy corn. (Oh my goodness, the candy corn. I try to limit myself to two bags per season, but let’s not talk to my husband about my success rate with that one.) But we have two young kids now, so these days Fall decorations come with two stipulations: they need to be easy, and they need to be indestructible. 


This Beef Stew Is Made With An Unexpected Ingredient…And You Have To Try It

Noritake China dishes

I love happy accidents. Like, say, when you're all set on making beef stew, and have purchased all the ingredients and even begun the cooking process. And then discover that you've forgotten one of the key ingredients...but then the ingredient you end up swapping in makes it miles and miles better.

I'm talking about beef stew made with - yes - chicken stock. I know what you're thinking: That will taste like chicken soup. If I wanted chicken soup, I would make chicken soup.


Simply Steamed Artichokes With Lemon Butter

Noritake China dishes

I used to make artichokes all the time. Like literally: There was a time period, circa 2010ish, during which I made them for myself and Kendrick every. single. night. I had only recently discovered them, and became fully obsessed once I realized that their true identity is a butter-delivery system that you can feel virtuous about, because vegetables.

Fun little fact: The artichoke is actually the bud of a thistle flower.

DIY Projects

How To Fall In Love With Your Contractor

Meet Audrey, RG’s brand-new Home contributor. You've actually seen her here before - she has the single best home decor taste of any human I've ever met, and I featured both her home's interior and its exterior awhile back. She recently sold that house and bought a new one, a 100-year-old place in one of L.A.'s most historic neighborhoods that she's renovating from top to bottom...so obviously I had to ask her (pictured above with her impossibly adorable family) if she'd give us all a chance to share in the gloriousness.

Audrey's also a virtual dictionary of home renovation and decor knowledge (seriously; I vet most of my home purchases through her) - so if you have any questions, now's your chance! – Jordan


Take A Tour Of Betsey Johnson’s Pink Malibu Mobile Home

Take the tour

I met Betsey Johnson. Like, in person. That is obviously the most important part of this post ostensibly about her house, because excuse me, fifteen-year-old me was FREAKING. OUT. (OK, 38-year-old me was freaking out, too.)

My first impression of her was as she rolled up to me in, of all things, a golf cart. Her ponytailed hair was piled with blue extensions, she was wearing something that was a cross between a surfer-girl look and pajamas, and her tiny wrists and fingers were piled - absolutely piled - with jewelry. All this at 10 o'clock in the morning.

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