

Mini Wallpaper Massacres And Lessons Learned

Hm. Alright, so this one didn't go so well.

Here's the thing: I really try to DIY pretty much everything I can when it comes to our new house. Things like floor installation and plumbing repairs, sure, I leave to the experts...but when I can wield a screwdriver, I generally do wield a screwdriver. Or a paintbrush. Or whatever.

Back in August, when we moved in, one of the first things I noticed that bugged me was the wallpaper in the nursery (pictured above before we moved in our furniture; you can see the "After" here). I mean, I really liked it (and still do)...but it seemed to be sort of peeling up at the seams, as if it had been sloppily installed, or as if the room had been subjected to a ton of damp heat (which it probably had been, seeing as the place sat empty for two whole years before we bought it).

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