

Small Space Storage Solutions

You know what one of the weirdest things about moving from a one-bedroom city apartment to a suburban house (a small one, but still) was? How instantly we expanded to fit our new space.

When we were packing up our stuff from our closet-free apartment (seriously, the place had one closet; it was the worst) I had this vision of how we'd move our things into our new home and wander from room to gloriously empty room, excitedly imagining the millions of possibilities for how we'd be able to fill all that spectacular space. I thought it would take months - years, maybe - for the house to stop echoing from emptiness.

And then we moved our stuff in, and every single room was somehow immediately filled to capacity. I continue to think that a magical furniture elf arrived in the night; I have no idea how this happened.

It's mostly because of the closet situation, I think. Our new house, house-like though it may be, you see, is also a 1900 colonial, which means it has closets the size of my pinkie. But clutter makes me crazy, so I've continued to employ the space-saving tactics that I used in our old place in our new one.


Objects Of Affection

{ My in-an-airport must-buy: one of these ridiculous things from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory ... }

{ ... A rediscovery of my very first 'fancy' wallet: a Burberry that's over a decade old, but still looks pretty decent ... }


Chinese Chicken Salad with Soy-Ginger Dressing

Alright, guys: this is really good.

Morgan introduced me to this recipe years ago (so long ago that the original photo I took of it pre-dates the launch of Ramshackle Glam and is thus MIA...which is probably a good thing because my food photos back then were several levels south of "terrible"). For awhile I made it all the time, but then I kind of forgot about it.

And whenever it did occur to me, I thought, you know: "Salad. Ehhh. Steak would probably be more delicious."

But it's not salad, it's SALAD. With exclamation points! Tangy, garlicky, a little sweet, phenomenal. And it includes avocado and crunchy noodles, and let's get real: that's all you really need to know.


May Issue Of Better Homes & Gardens

If you get a chance, check out the issue of Better Homes & Gardens on newsstands right now, in which I talk cleaning tips and top products. These products, of course, include my very most favorite cleaning-type item in the entire world, the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It's amazing, and you can watch my husband be awestruck by its wonders in this video.

Photo credit: Ariane Moshayedi (you can see more photos from this shoot here).

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