

Final Living Room Addition: Animal Print, Obviously

An eagle-eyed reader noted that the grey chevron rug that we put upstairs is the same rug that used to reside in our living room. You know, the rug that I photographed for this living room "after" post, in which I declared that I had finally - finally! - achieved a look that I was happy with.

And then my dogs destroyed my rug.

Or...they didn't destroy it, exactly...they just sort of "made it their own", and even though I was able to clean it, I wasn't able to return it to living room centerpiece-appropriate condition. Besides, I have always wanted to own a cowhide rug (and I mean always, as far back as I can remember caring about things like rugs), and so when I spotted a faux (and thus easier-to-clean) version on sale...


Attic: Before And After

When we first spotted our home on the internet years before we actually bought it, we fell in love with the checkerboard floors, the leopard carpets, and the stone walls in the garden. The owners hadn't put up photos of the attic in the listing, so when we finally visited the home that would end up being ours, to say we were pleasantly surprised is an understatement.


Homemade Raspberry Jam

We have raspberry bushes in our front yard!

This is incredible news.

The city kid in me didn't actually believe that they could possibly be for-real raspberries and had to google "poisonous berries that look like raspberries" before I'd eat a single one, but nope: as it turns out, they're real. And great.

On Saturday, Kendrick spent awhile walking up and down our street picking as many as he could find, and we ended up with enough that my Aunt Jo-Anne suggested we try making jam.


Thrift-Store Success: Crazy Awesome Lamp

On Friday afternoon, my friend Katie and I set off for Hastings-on-Hudson in search of a used furniture store that she'd heard of. After several drive-bys - the place doesn't have any sign indicating its presence save for a posterboard that says, very helpfully, "sale every day" - we finally found it on a practically deserted part of the Saw Mill, lodged in between a truck rental shop and a wholesale gravel supplier and presided over by several very large stuffed white tigers for no apparent reason at all.

I LOVE places like that.

Because if you find something good in a place like that, it's really good.

This is what I found:

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