

Top Ten Cozy Throws


OK, so you know how yesterday I was saying how people apparently didn't need closets in 1900? Well, maybe that's because their houses were so freaking cold all of the time that they had to just wander around wearing everything they owned.

Our house has new windows, so it's not especially drafty, but it also, sadly, does not have a fireplace (or central heating). I took a big step towards solving the coziness issue with our pretend fireplace, but still: it's chilly in here, especially first thing in the morning (I try to keep the thermostat turned down at night because (1) I sleep better in the cold and (2) whoa oil is expensive; one of the many Home Ownership Costs that I had no idea about way back when we started this process).


Seasonal Swap-Out Time!

Eggggh, I hate the bi-annual clothing storage swap-out. It's such a pain.

But it's necessary, especially when you live in a house that was built in 1900 (a year during which people apparently did not need closets).

I spent a couple of my housebound hours last weekend going through my closets and tucking all my summer stuff away, and - much more fun - going through the storage boxes that I dragged down to the basement last spring and finding lots of winter-appropriate things that I'm excited to get back into. Some of them I'd even forgotten I owned, which made it kind of like a free shopping spree.


Art Deco-Inspired Tablescape

For dinner with friends who were visiting from the city the other week, I decided to do something different than the vintage-y floral look that I usually go for, and set the table with a mix of black-and-white pieces with gold and wood accents. While this is definitely a different style for me - much more graphic and masculine - it still retains that sort of off-kilter, half-rustic half-elegant feel that I'm always going for.

Here's the inspiration:


Rugs And An Oops

In today's Most Random Thing Ever, I am now completely obsessed with Persian rugs. I remember my mom had an old blue and grey one when I was growing up, and I think at some point she asked me if I wanted it for my apartment, and I was all ewwwww that's so booooooring and oooooold (or something similarly obnoxious).


Anyway, I now I regret that statement. Mom, if you are reading and still own the thing:

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