
Before & After Renovations

Before And After: Black and White (And Wood and Gold) Bathroom


I love, love, love, LOVE my bathroom. I say "my" bathroom even though it's the bathroom in the hall (as opposed to the master bathroom) because from the time we moved in it was the only bathroom with an actual bath in it - and we all know how I feel about baths. So while it was the kids' primary bathroom, too, I sort of adopted it as my own.

When I set out to renovate this bathroom (before and after pics are below, but you can take a look at what it looked like when we moved in, and then it's first evolution before the major renovation here), I wanted to make sure that it worked for the kids...but I also thought, what the hell: I've always felt like my bathroom is my sanctuary. So if I'm going to put in the work to fix it up, I might as well go ahead and make it everything I've ever dreamed of.


That Airstream Life

Awhile back I read a post about a couple who decided to check out of their lives and go ahead and live with their toddler in an Airstream (designed, of course, by Pendleton). They went from town to town, home-schooling their kid and freelancing from their laptops and exploring the country and being adorable and perfect in every way in their adorable, perfect, Pendleton-designed Airstream.

I wanted to be that couple. I fangirled all over their feed. I even briefly fantasized about packing us up and buying a trailer and living the itinerant life. (You know, one designed by Pendleton.)

And then, last week, while visiting Topanga with my two children, I stayed in an Airstream - technically a Silver Streak, but for all intents and purposes identical to an Airstream. And within five minutes of my arrival I realized: Oh. There is no way on the fucking planet that I would live in an Airstream with my children. Because you know what Airstreams are?


Meet The Best Toothbrush In The Whole Wide World

Every once in awhile, you discover a new product, and cannot understand how you lived without it before. (You also wish you had invented it yourself, because then you would get to be a gazillionaire, and that sounds fun.)

Until now, my toothbrush/toothpaste situation has - like yours, I assume - been a total disaster. Between the four of us we have something like 30 different toothbrushes, all in various stages of disrepair. All of them are neon, with fussy little rubber finger-pads or elaborate chargers or pictures of Paw Patrol dogs on them. Our toothpaste tubes - we have four at the moment, and all of them are mostly empty - are all sort of jammed into and around the toothbrush holder in a big, sticky, the-cap-won’t-go-on-anymore-because-it’s-too-gunky mess. It’s gross.

In short: If you’re anything like me, no matter how pretty your bathroom is, your toothbrush situation messes it up.


Ariane Moshayedi: California-Inspired Fine Art Photography

Three, by Ariane Moshayedi

Forever and a lifetime ago, an email landed in my inbox from a woman, Ariane Moshayedi, who said she was a reader of my site and knew I was expecting my first child. She was a photographer, she said, and she'd love to take our first family photos once the baby arrived.

The shoot did not start out especially fun. We timed it perfectly, of course: Ariane arrived at the exact moment that our son decided he needed to nap, and that if he was not going to be permitted to do so, he was going to make all the adults contributing to the non-napping situation as miserable as possible. Kendrick and I were mortified, but Ariane was patient, relaxed, and so much fun to work with that we eventually just all settled into letting the photos be whatever they were. We coaxed a couple of smiling-through-the-tears shots out of him, but most of them ended up looking slightly less peaceful-and-dreamy, and slightly more like...this.

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