

Easy Storage Solution: Quilted Koala

I hate clutter. We know this.

But kids are basically little clutter machines (the ten bajagillion legos scattered throughout my household will be the death of me…and I mean that literally, because I step on them and slip on them and practically catapult down stairways because of them on a daily basis). I love having our attic space for my son to play in (and destroy), but we still need to keep an assortment of toys in the living room/dining room area of our house, because that's where we spend about 99% of our time.

But this? Is not okay with me.


A Safe (And Beautiful) Way To Block Out Bedroom Light

When we moved into our new house, our son finally (finally!) started sleeping through the night. And it was wonderful. Like, THE BEST THING EVER.

And then summer came along, and it stopped being wonderful, because guess what happened every morning around 5:30AM? The sun got up, and our son got up right along with it.

So we decided that something needed to be done, and installed blinds. Except they only dimmed the room; they didn’t actually darken it. We looked at traditional blackout curtains, but they were way too dorm-room-y for my taste. We ultimately decided on thick, dark-grey curtains, and those work – our son now sleeps past sunrise even in the summertime…but now we have Child Number Two in the house, and for our daughter’s bright, feminine, minty nursery, heavy, almost-black drapes just weren’t going to fly.

I wanted to keep it feeling light in there…but still wanted to be able to turn off the sun when a midday nap was in session.


Ramshackle Glam’s Top Ten Best Ikea Finds

Such a cool idea for creating extra living room seating…and love the layered rugs. 

A couple of days ago I spotted a post on Domaine Home about their editors' favorite Ikea picks, and I thought: I totally need to show you mine. Because Ikea may be the Seventh Circle Of Hell (at least with a toddler in tow), but it is also the site of some of my all-time favorite home decor finds.

Shall we?


How To Streamline Your Small Space (And A Giveaway!)

I have a long history with figuring out how to best organize a small living space. For years, we lived in a 350-square-foot apartment, before upgrading to what felt like a sprawling mansion: a 700-square-foot apartment. Now we live in a house, but it's a hundred-year-old Colonial, which means that it comes with its own space issues: teeny bedrooms, narrow hallways, and next-to-no closet space.

But something I've discovered over the years is that there are ways to make small-space living not just workable, but lovely. It's all about smart choices: looking for compact home items that pull double-duty and choosing decor elements that emphasize light and create the feeling of a wide-open space. Here’s how I’ve been adding a few easy updates to our home to make it more beautiful and more functional.

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