

Five Fall Decor Ideas I Don’t Totally Hate


Fall decor, to me, is a little tricky. Just the whole dried gourds/wheat/pinecones/orange/tartan's very easy for it to feel dated and a little too fussy for my taste.

But I'm also kind of bummed every time I scroll through my Instagram feed and see photo after photo of my New York friends running around in the leaves with their kids - I used to live in the epicenter of the Grand Autumnal Experience, and here it's...well, it's like 80 degrees outside. I saw some leaves on the ground; that was exciting. But it is not a New England fall, and despite the fact that no number of pumpkins are going to make it feel like one, it's still nice to pretend.


Our Front Yard: Before And After (A Xeriscaped Makeover)

yard with dead trees

Check out that lush, vibrant landscape.

Oooooh was our front yard ever not good. My favorite part was the enormous potted (and dead) tree tethered to the roof to prevent it from dropping straight to the ground. In second place was the red mulch surrounding the enormous (also dead) bush next to my garage.

Enter: a xeriscaper I found on Thumbtack. What is xeriscaping, you ask? Excellent question; I didn't know, either. Basically, it means taking out plants that need bunches of water and replacing them with ones that are drought-resistant, thereby lowering or eliminating entirely the amount of supplemental watering that your yard requires. It's also (in my opinion) very pretty.


The Sad, Sad Garage

This may be the most beautiful photo I have ever posted on RG.

When we were looking for a house, we made a wishlist of sorts - the kinds of elements that we were hoping to find, but could theoretically live without if the house checked off our Big Stuff (good school district, a playroom/office area, within reasonable commuting distance to Kendrick's office, etc).

Our wishlist included things like exposed beams, an open floor plan, a nice outdoor space, and some kind of bonus area where Kendrick would be able to set up his recording equipment (which is big and involves lots of wires, hence the problem with setting it up in, say, a corner of the living room). The latter is a tricky one, because we were really spoiled at our last house: the previous owners had turned our garage into a sort of studio space, so he just got that whole area to do whatever he wanted with. Here, not so much: every room in our place is small, and there's just nowhere for all that equipment to go.


Bye, Bye Rug

...Or, not really bye, more like "scoot over."

Because despite what Pinterest has led me to believe, rugs do not belong in dining rooms. You know how Interiors boards - my own included - are full of the most adorable rustic tables paired with antique rugs and such? Well, first I put a rug in my kitchen, and then discovered just how terrible of an idea that is (moved it to the office). And then I put a rug - a brand-new, much-beloved Lulu & Georgia - in my dining room to pull together the furniture that I found at Big Daddy's - and it really did look amazing, exactly what the room needed, but still:



How I (Finally) Got The Closet Of My Dreams (Video)

I have spent years - yearrrrs - whining about my closets. From New York City apartments to Colonial homes (which notoriously have zero closet space for some historical-but-unknown-to-me reason), I've just never even come close to having enough space for my stuff.

Finally, we have closets. But when we moved in we quickly realized that even though the space was technically there, the closets weren't organized in a way that let us take advantage of it.

So? Makeover.

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