DIY Projects


DIY Mason Jar Hanging Herb Planter

Last summer I planted my very first herb garden, and let me tell you: not having to run to the supermarket and spend five bucks on a teeny-tiny container of mint or rosemary or thyme every time you need a sprig (or even just a single leaf) is the best. But even if you're an apartment-dweller with no nearby grass or yard or outdoor space to plant in, no fear: you too can have fresh herbs at your fingertips.

Once again: mason jar to the rescue. This DIY takes about three minutes...and is the most satisfying project ever. (It's also a fun project to get kids involved with; you should cut the twine, but they can do pretty much everything else.)

DIY Projects

DIY Valentine’s Day Cherry Blossom Card (Ages 2+)

One more easy Valentine's Day craft that's especially good for very little kids, since it doesn't require a whole lot in the way of control: a Cherry Blossom Card. The colors are pretty and spring-y, the setup is minimal, and you can make these into anything from small cards for your child's classmates to a larger card for a parent or grandparent.


DIY Projects

DIY Valentine’s Day Cards For Kids

I’m not a crafting-type mom.

I’d like to be – I aspire to be – but you know those moms who have cabinets filled with things like glitter and pipe cleaners, and enjoy settling down on snowy afternoons to create bedazzled things with their children? They are not me.

But I do like cutting hearts out of construction paper (who doesn’t?), and I very much want to get my son excited about the fact that Valentine’s Day is coming up. It’s a holiday that I have historically not really cared about, but is now – like every other holiday – about ten thousand times more fun, given that I now have a very short roommate who is experiencing it for the third time in his life (and probably the first time with any real clarity).

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