DIY Projects

DIY Projects

DIY Christmas Cards For Kids

Well, this is an adorable little project.

The problem with crafting generally - and Pinterest crafting, specifically - is that normal people don't have cabinets full of stuff that they can use to effortlessly whip up DIY-ed whatevers. And adding a run to Michael's to a craft transforms it from "fun and affordable alternative to store-bought" to "abject misery."

Anyway, I'm all about the crafts that you don't need to leave your house in order to do. In other words, the actually cheap and actually easy ones that just use stuff you've already got lying around.

DIY Projects

Make Your Own Sparkling Candy Cane Bath Salts

How to handle the I-totally-forgot-to-get-a-gift-for-someone-and-am-seeing-them-tonight faux pas?

Easy DIY gift to the rescue. (These are seriously so easy, and inexpensive to make in bulk…and kind of impressive looking. I think so, anyway.)

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Crafts for the Uncrafty

DIY Golden Creature Terrarium

The other day, Kendrick and I had dinner at our friend Erin's house (she of the awesome Pinterest and crafting blog and Peekskill-trip planning skills). She and her husband have an amazing midcentury buffet table in their dining room that they use to display various odds and ends that they've collected and/or made over the years, and when I spotted a tiny dome housing even tinier gold animals sitting on the buffet I was immediately transfixed. I had visions of them wandering through some obscure thrift store in some adorable middle-of-nowhere town and stumbling across priceless gilded tigers the size of thimbles that had once been the playthings of royal children during the Qing Dynasty, but that they had managed to score for five bucks.

Or something.

Five seconds later my son had whipped that glass dome off and plucked the animals off of their stand, and I was running towards him, with visions of him destroying some precious, irreplaceable artifact (and thereby destroying our newish friendship in the process). I snatched them out of his hands (--> tears), only to discover...

DIY Projects

DIY Scented Sea Glass

OK, so you've probably gathered by now that I'm a semi-obsessive home scenter, but as much as I love candles, they're not always ideal - when entertaining large, multi-child-inclusive crowds, for example, open flames aren't particularly advisable. As a flame-free alternative to keeping your home smelling lovely, potpourri works…but if the nuts-and-dried-flowers thing isn't exactly in line with your aesthetic, how about something a little prettier and more modern-looking?

I've posted a couple of times about my black lava rock potpourri, and the other day reader Heather asked for a more affordable alternative. At your service! I made this scented rock potpourri with sea glass, but any unscented (porous) rocks would work, and you can find lots of options at craft stores. Just dye them whatever color you like, add the fragrance of your choice, and put them in a pretty container (I especially like the idea of a rustic iron container like Mad et Len's), and presto: a perfumed home for just pennies.

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