So today is my due date.
Pregnancy Advice III: The Name Game
Q. Not that you need to disclose any name you have chosen, but how did you and Kendrick make this decision?
My college boyfriend and I once got to discussing what we would name our children-to-be, should things ever progress in that direction. He told me that he had always known what his first son would be named, and that it was not a topic that was, to his mind, up for discussion.
The name that he had chosen? Atlas. As in the big muscle-y dude holding up the sky. Which I'm sure is very well-suited for some, but...not so much my style.
So I was psyched to discover that Kendrick and I have pretty similar taste in names.
Oh, Come On…He Loves It
Everybody likes getting new clothes for fall.
Pregnancy Advice II: Money-Saving Maternity Style
Pregnancy is an enormously individual experience and there is no one way to "do" pregnancy (style or otherwise) "right"...but this is what worked for me and helped me to save money while having fun with my changing shape.