‘Tis The Season

It's heeeere!

This holiday season is basically Intense Emotions Central around le casa de Reid-Strauch: between the fact that it's Goldie's first Christmas ever and the fact that it's our last Christmas in our first house (and our last Christmas on the East Coast for the foreseeable future)...

--> emotions.


Boobs After Baby

Babies are so great. They are wonderful little creatures whose wonderfulness more than compensates for all of the crazy things that they do to your life and to your body. And that's a good thing, because "crazy" is exactly what the things that they do to you are.

Today we need to go wayyy over there into OvershareLand and talk about boobs, and exactly what goes on with them in the weeks and months after the baby arrives...because when I was pregnant I read all the books about what happens to you post-pregnancy - hell, I wrote a book about this - and even when I had already gone through it once before, I was still floored by what happens to the top half of your body in the weeks following the birth.



48 Hours In Miami


OK, so I've been to South Beach once before - on a trip to the Yacht Show to film a bunch of BetterTV segments - but this is the first time I've been there and had enough free time to actually wander around and see the place. I had no idea that it is essentially Cancun with slightly (only slightly) less nudity, but there you go.

Before we move on, I need to ask: what are those goblet-drinks with two overturned beers in them all about? Do the beers…leak out into the margarita part? I don't think I understand the physics. Or why one would not just consume these drinks separately, but hey: not judging; the people I saw drinking them looked like they were having quite a lot of fun.


Ohmygoodness I Like It Here

Miami has been a total whirlwind so far, and I'll be posting more shots from the weekend on Monday, but in the meantime, can I just say?

This is my kind of nightcap. (There is a Pinkberry five feet from the front door of my hotel, and it pretty much made my life last night when I got home from Cotton's 24-Hour Runway Show - which is still happening, by the way. I'm heading back right now, and you can check it out here; it's streaming live until 8PM tonight.)

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