The Family Sleepover

So many family sleepovers this weekend. (That's all of us on my parents' pull-out couch on Saturday morning.)

We spent Friday night in the city at my mom and dad's place, and then headed to Francesca's family's house in Jersey on Sunday to spend the remainder of the long weekend with them. It was a little exhausting, not gonna lie, but it's part of my whole "say yes" kick: pre-Goldie, we got in the habit of turning down invitations and staying home just because it seemed easier, but you know what? Once you get in the habit of running around with kids, it's not nearly as overwhelming as it sounds.


Christmastime In These Parts

We're leaving for Ohio for a few days tomorrow, so today is all about making sure those turkey leftovers don't go to waste. (I'm in charge; so far, so good.) Also packing. And maybe seeing Big Hero 6 again, because it's amazing (seriously, even if you don't have kids: go).

Also snuggling with my new blanket from Woolrich and my new buddy from my Dad.


Little Holiday Tradition

My favorite of our holiday traditions (which only became "a tradition" last year, but still): a family trip to a Christmas shop in Nyack, where we each pick out an ornament that symbolizes what the past year meant to us.

For Goldie: An old-school My First Christmas ball engraved with her name and birth year.

For me: An ornament with the sun on one side (to symbolize our summer in California) and a moon-and-stars design on the other (to symbolize Goldie's birth during the Supermoon and Indy's first spoken "sentence," which was "moon…stars").

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