Sleep well.
Sort Of Amazing
Was just in the playground, hanging out with Indy in the sandbox (his new favorite place in the world), and watched as a little girl trying to get her friend's attention dropped to her knees and yelled, "STELLAAAAAAAA!"
Little Fluffy Heads & Unfortunate Discontinuations
You know, before I had my son, I had heard about this whole "smelling a baby's head" thing and
Weekend Snapshots
This weekend, we took yet another trip up to Tarrytown to get things (hopefully) getting this show on the road.
Careers In The Arts & “Taking What You Can Get”
Q. Hi Jordan,
I read your blog all the time, and I so often relate to you on your "life advice" posts. I admire the help you are willing to offer your readers and am seeking advice on an issue.
In college, I majored in theater, and I love performing and acting so much. Since graduating a year ago, I have worked a couple of small gigs, but nothing big and nothing paying enough for me to not have a day job. So I'm working at a small (and quickly growing) start-up.