OK, Bye Bye Baby? Muuuuch better experience than Babies 'R' Us. The customer service was absolutely impeccable, and I left excited rather than panicky.
Who Gets A Prize?
Kendrick. Because despite the fact that I was a whiny pain last night...
I Cried In Babies ‘R’ Us
The thing about being the very first of your friends to get pregnant is this:
1. Very, very few of them want to talk about babies (I don't blame them; I'm pregnant and I don't particularly want to talk about babies either...except I sort of have to, because I have never, ever been around an infant and have a bit to learn)...
News…Sort Of
(So basically we know it's a boy or a girl. Big news, right?)
My New Favorite Beverage
Soda water with no fewer than four lemons.