

New Moon Creations Nature’s Power Pendants

I think Trudy (pictured above with me) was a little nervous about doing a reading for me this go 'round. It's kind of obvious what's on my mind and what kind of concerns I'm dealing with these days, so if, you know, the Disaster and Destruction card came up over and over again, I'd probably get a little titchy.


This Weekend…

We did some fun stuff, sure (including things like Funfetti cupcakes and Sunday night BBQs), but because the next few weekends are pretty busy for us (weddings, travel, etc) the bulk of it was taken up with stuff we really had to get done...which ended up being the most fun stuff of all.

Like the drugstore trip to pick up all the pre-baby necessities (things like paper plates and cups so we don't have to worry about dishes for the first week or so, baby powder, outlet covers, and wipes). And everyone was just so...nice. I grew up in New York City, and let me tell you: big smiles and "Congratulations!" from total strangers everywhere you go is not the norm. It's lovely.

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